Oracle Fusion HCM Cloud

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Phasellus enim magna, varius et commodo ut, ultricies vitae velit. Ut nulla tellus, eleifend euismod pellentesque vel, sagittis vel justo. In libero urna, venenatis sit amet ornare non, suscipit nec risus. Sed consequat justo non mauris pretium at tempor justo sodales. Quisque tincidunt laoreet malesuada. Cum sociis natoque penatibus.
Eleifend euismod pellentesque vel Phasellus enim magna, varius et commodo ut, ultricies vitae velit. Ut nulla tellus, sagittis vel justo. In libero urna, venenatis sit amet ornare non, suscipit nec risus. Sed consequat justo non mauris pretium at tempor justo sodales. Quisque tincidunt laoreet malesuada. Cum sociis natoque penatibus.
What you’ll learn?
- Oracle Cloud Global Human Resource(Core HR)
- Oracle Cloud Absence management
- Oracle Cloud Payroll Management
- Oracle Cloud Talent Management,
- Oracle Cloud Goals &Performance Management
- Oracle Fusion HCM Compensation Management
Introduction to Oracle Cloud Global HR
1. Introduction
- Introduction to Oracle Cloud
- SAAS, PAAS and IAAS Overview
- Oracle SCM Cloud Capabilities: Overview
- Navigation Basics
- Resources
2. People Management
- Create organizations and divisions
- Use effective dating and action types
- Explain foundation tables
- Set Up Enterprise HCM Information
- Create Legal Entities for HCM
- Define Workforce Structures
- Define Grades
- Define Jobs
- Define Positions
- Define Geographies
- Define Enterprise Structures
3. Workflow, Approvals, and Notifications
- Explain Approval Policies
- Manage Approval Groups
- Deploy Notifications
- Manage Approval Transactions
4. Profile Management
- Explain profile types
- Configure workforce profiles
- Create custom content types
5. Checklists and Actions
- Create Checklists
- Set Up Actions and Action Reasons
- Define Schedules
- Configure Profile Options and Lookups
- Define Calendar Events and Geography Trees
- Configure Geography Trees
Oracle Cloud Global Payroll
6. Payroll Concepts
- Describe cloud Human Resources and the cloud payroll person models
- Describe legislative data groups
- Describe payroll statutory units
- Create payroll users and roles
7. Earnings and Deduction Definitions
- Create an earnings or deduction element
- Explain the behavior of an element
- Create element entry business rules
- Configure an absence element
- Add eligibility rules for an element
- Create rules for retroactive changes
8. Payroll Costing Rules
- Describe the levels of a costing hierarchy
- Set up a payroll cost allocation flexfield
- Configure various types of costing
- Perform a transfer to subledger accounting and a posting to GL
9. Payroll Flows
- Copy a flow pattern
- Edit a flow pattern
- Define parameters for tasks within a flow pattern
- Submit a payroll flow
10. Payroll and Balance Definitions
- Add company payment details
- Explain how to configure a payslip report
- Add third-party payment details
11. Employee Level Payroll Information
- Add a standard earnings entry earning or deduction to an employee
- Add bank account details for an employee
- Enter payroll frequency details for an employee
- Manage absences for an employee
- Explain how to initialize payroll balances
- Manage costing for a person
12. Calculate, Validate and Correct Payroll Processes
- Describe the Payroll Checklist
- Verify the results of a payroll run
- Correct the payroll run details for an employee
- Submit and verify the results of the payment process
- Confirm the status of the payroll flow
- Verify the results of the costing process
- Describe how to reconcile the payroll
Oracle Cloud Global Absence Management
1. Oracle Absence Management Cloud Overview
- Describe the main features of Absence Management
- Describe the setup components of Absence Management
- Describe the difference between Absence Type and Absence Plan
- Describe the types of absence plans available in Absence Management
2. Absence Qualification Plans
- Describe the plans terms available for qualification plans
- Explain the absence management processes related to qualification plans
- Identify the components for the qualification entitlements display
- Create absence qualification plans
3. Administration Tasks
- Administering plan enrollments and adjustments
- Create, maintain and recalculate absence records
- Explain and execute Absence Management processes
4. Absence Accrual Plans
- Explain the absence management processes related to accrual plans
- Set up derived factors
- Configure eligibility profiles
- Create a repeating time period
- Create absence accrual plans
5. Absence Types
- Certification Action Items
- Describe the types and usages of certification action items
- Configure Certifications (document and entitlement change types)
- Set up Certifications (document and entitlement change types) within Absence Type
- Manage Absence Certifications (schedule process, track due dates, status, etc.)
6. Payroll Integration
- Describe the setup tasks required to integrate with Global Payroll
- Integrate Absence Management and Global Payroll
- Set up rate definitions in Absence Management
Oracle Cloud Talent Management
1. Goals
- Establish worker goals
- Configure goals and define worker goal setting objectives
- Describe goal management concepts
- Configure goal setup options
- Manage the goal library
- Configure goal plans
- Implement employee goals
- Configure eligibility criteria
2. Performance Management
- Explain performance documents
- Set goals and competencies in a performance document
- Evaluate goals and competencies
- Configure worker performance objectives
- Configure performance setup options
- Manage performance roles
- Build performance template sections
- Implement performance document approvals
- Configure performance notifications
3. Talent Review
- Configure talent review dashboard options
- Conduct a talent review
- Manage talent review data
- Review an action plan
- Perform talent search and profile comparisons
4. Profle Management
- Manage Profiles
5. Questionnaires
- Define questionnaire objectives
- Manage questions
- Implement questionnaires and templates
6. Succession Plans and Talent Pools
- Describe succession management integrations
- Create and manage succession plans
- Describe talent pools integrations
- Create and manage talent pools
7. Career Development
- Explain concepts and processes for Development Goals, Exploring Roles, and Careers of Interest
Oracle Cloud Goal and Performance Management
1. Goal Management Overview
- Introduce the key processes and concepts of Talent Management
- Functional Setup Manager Overview
- Goal Tracking
- Goal Components
2. Goal Management Setup and Maintenance
- Goal Management Setup and Maintenance
- Lookups, Flexfields, and Profile Options
3. Review Periods
- Creating Review Periods
4. Goal Library
- Managing the Goal Library
5. Goal Plans
- Managing Employee and Organization Goal Plans
- Managing Goal Sets
6. Eligibility Profiles for Goals
- Determining Goal Eligibility
7. Create Goals
- Managing Goals
8. Mass Assignment of Goals
- Administering and Mass Assigning Goals
9. Performance Management Overview
- Performance Management Overview
- Anytime Performance Documents
- Employee Check-In
10. Performance Management Setup and Maintenance
- Performance Profile Options and Descriptive Flexfields
- Performance Roles and Matrix Management
11. Performance Process Flows
- Process Flow Determination
12. Eligibility Profiles for Performance Documents
- Eligibility Profiles
13. Questionnaires
- Question Library
- Question and Response Types
- Questionnaire Templates
- Creating Questionnaires
14. Performance Document Types
- Managing Performance Document Types
15. Performance Templates
- Performance Templates and Performance Template Sections
16. Evaluate Performance
- Perform an Evaluation
- Administration and Monitoring Tasks for Employee Performance
Course Content
Lesson 1.1
09:23 -
Lesson 1.2
09:23 -
Lesson 1.3
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